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Welcome to MenoFit Matters - a Programme for Menopausal Women


Here to support and motivate women through their midlife journey with movement, nutritional guidance, Health and Wellness support.


I am not medically trained or a Dietician. I cannot recommend medication or supplements. But, as a Menopause Coach I can provide support, guidance and education to women going through this transitional phase in there lives. I want to empower women to embrace this natural phase of life and to help them navigate it with confidence and vitality


I have created a closed facebook page to offer a 'safe haven' for women to speak openly of their own Menopausal journey and feel comfortable to share their experience.  If you would like to join the group click here.  


MenoFit Matters

On this page you will also be able to purchase Menopausal related workouts and courses.  Watch this space for further details

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