2 Days to Go....

I'm getting really excited to welcome you to my new Stretch & Relaxation class this Sat, 21st May @ 10am.
Over the past few weeks I have mentioned many benefits; including improved mobility, flexibility, core strength, range of motion, mental well-being, injury rehab. The list is endless but, another great benefit that also deserves being highlighted is menopause.
Yes ladies, that ugly word that puts us through hell and back. Stretching & relaxation movements are a great way to improve some of those menopausal and depressive systems such as mood swings, sleeplessness, hot flashes, brain fog, lack of flexibility, joint pain, anxiety, fatigue.
In summary, going back to my earlier post; taking some 'me' time is so important and you deserve it. Click here to book your place. Look forward to seeing you shortly. xx
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