Protein Truffles
This year i've been handing out truffles for the festive season, at the end of each Kettlercise Class this week, and you loved them so much you have asked me to share the recipe with you, so here it is, very quick and easy, and healthy too:-

3 tbspn cacao powder 6 tbspn chocolate whey protein 1/2 cup ground almonds (can change to alternative nut, if required) 25 ml water (can use juice of orange if want stronger orange flavour) zest of 1 orange 60g Lindt plain dark chocolate (85% solids)
Blend all dry ingredients together and gradually add the water or juice from the fruit of choice to form a dough. Split into 12 balls and leave in fridge to cool. Separately, melt down the chocolate then dip the balls into the chocolate and put onto grease proof paper to dry. Put back in fridge to harden - enjoy!!!
There are loads of recipes out there for protein truffles/balls, but the basics are the same, cocoa powder, protein powder, fruit and nuts and cover in chocolate or dessicated coconut. So have a play around to fit your personal taste. If you want to put in some alcohol swap the water for rum!