Prove the Tabloid Articles Wrong - Start 2016 off by Signing up to my Kettlercise® Class

A couple of weeks ago women in the UK seemed to be on the receiving end of a media frenzy...... but little was said about this shocking statistic. In case you missed the 'women bashing' let me just recap slightly. The BBC, various tabloids and others ran articles about the obesity crisis in women and one of the newspapers even ran this headline 'A PORKERLIPSE'....shocking. I admit the figures are not great for women. (DON'T worry girls you'll get your own back shortly!) 51% of women aged between 25-34 are overweight or obese, rising to 63% by the ages of 45-54. Now according to Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies, tackling the UK's weight problem should be a 'National Priority'. Hey Sally! We're doing 'our bit' with my fabulous Kettlercise® fitness classes. NOW Here's One Back for the Girls!! The shocking statistic that seemd to be 'buried' .........and it's that 80% of men aged 45-54 are classed as overweight or obese. That means guys that you need Kettlercise® as much as the girls! So why they picked on the ladies I have no idea! Because frankly, everyone needs help. Reserve you place now and sign up to my Kettlercise® class, being held at St George's School, Broadstairs every Wednesday evening at 7.00 - 7.55pm. Kettlebells provided. Open to all fitness levels. Just bring along a mat, your water bottle and your enthusiasm to burn those calories! You can pay as you go or take advantage of my loyalty card discounts. Look forward to seeing you shortly.