Thoroughly Enjoyed It
Big thank you for joining me in the launch of Fitness Pilates this week folks. I absolutely loved teaching this class. Such a contrast to the high impact weights classes I teach, which is just what I was aiming for. You were all amazing and I'm so pleased you all enjoyed it and left feeling nicely relaxed.

This sets things up nicely now, offering both high & low impact group fitness classes and mind and body classes.
A reminder, don't forget to bring a towel or pillow with you for next week, particularly for that 4 minute snooze session x
Next Wednesday, 20th September will also be £6 PAYG, with the regular price and plan to now be confirmed, pending feedback from everyone that attends. As discussed, I am using these two weeks to:
gauge your interest
enquire if you prefer 6.45pm or 7.00pm start time
whether you wish to do 45 or 60 minutes class duration
Once I have everyone's feedback I will then make a final decision, which will be implemented from Wed, 27th September onwards. Either way, you will have the option to PAYG or purchase a monthly plan. I shall keep you updated and thank you again.