Summer Holidays are Coming to an End....
and the kids are going back to school. Are you ready to "Swing" back into action again! Different body, different mind, different thinking. You can do this.

Come and join my Kettlebell classes at Newlands Primary School, Dumpton Lane, Ramsgate, (in the canteen): * Tuesdays @ 18.30 - 19.25 * Thursdays @ 18.00 - 18.55 * Saturdays @ 09.00 - 09.55
Free taster session if you are trying for the first time. All fitness levels welcome ages 17 and over. 3 classes a week and 3 different workouts a week. So you can try out all the classes for variety too.
Book online to reserve your place. PAYG @ £5 or Block booking discount available.